
Minneapple Mock Trial Tournament

Pairing & Ranking Methodology

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Varsity Division


Tentative pairings for the first two rounds will be announced one day before the tournament. Revisions will be posted online at: Sides and pairings will be randomly assigned with the following constraints: teams from the same school will not face one another, matchups between schools from the same MSBA region will be avoided (to the extent possible), and teams will switch sides between rounds.

Round 3:

After Round 2, the top 10 ranked teams will advance to the Round 3 Championship Bracket. Teams ranked 1-5 will face a team ranked 6-10 with the following constraints: teams from the same school will not face one another, matchups between schools from the same MSBA region will be avoided (to the extent possible), and matchups between teams that have faced previously will be avoided (to the extent possible).

All other varsity teams will compete in the Round 3 Consolation Bracket. Sides and pairings will be randomly assigned. Because of the quick turnaround, there is no region protection of any type in the consolation bracket and you may face a team you have faced previously.


The 5 winners of the championship bracket trials will be ranked 1-5 based on

  1. Win/Loss Record
  2. Scoresheets Won
  3. Point Differential
  4. Total Points
  5. Coin Flip

The 5 losers of the championship bracket trials will be ranked 6-10 based on:

  1. Win/Loss Record
  2. Scoresheets Won
  3. Point Differential
  4. Total Points
  5. Coin Flip

Consolation bracket teams will be ranked starting at 11 based on:

  1. Win/Loss Record
  2. Scoresheets Won
  3. Point Differential
  4. Total Points
  5. Coin Flip


At least two judges per round will be assigned for trials in rounds 1 and 2. The scoresheets will be summed and the winner will be the team with more total points. In the event of a tie, the Presiding Judge’s scoresheet will be the tiebreaker.  In trials with 3 judges, the scoresheets will be multiplied by 2/3 OR the presiding judge will not fill out a scoresheet. 

For the Varsity round 3 championship bracket, an attempt will be made to have 3 judges per trial.  The winner will be the team that wins at least 2 of the scoresheets (regardless of point differential).  If there is an unequal number of judges per trial, the presiding judge’s ballot will be doubled.

For round 3 consolation trials, at least one judge and at most two judges per round will be assigned.  If there are two judges, their scoresheets will be summed and the winner will be the team with more total points.  In trials with only one judge, the scoresheet will be doubled.  If there is a tie, the presiding judge’s ballot is the tiebreaker. 

Open Division


Tentative pairings for all rounds will be announced one day before the tournament. Revisions will be posted online at: Sides and pairings will be randomly assigned with the following constraints: teams from the same school will not face one another, matchups between schools from the same MSBA region will be avoided (to the extent possible), and teams will switch sides between rounds (to the extent possible).


Teams will be ranked based on:

  1. Win/Loss Record (3/0 ahead of 2/0, 2/0 ahead of 2/1, etc.)
  2. Scoresheets Won
  3. Point Differential
  4. Total Points For
  5. Coin Flip


At least one judge and at most two judges per round will be assigned.  If there are two judges, their scoresheets will be summed and the winner will be the team with more total points.  In trials with only one judge, the scoresheet will be doubled.  If there is a tie, the presiding judge’s ballot is the tiebreaker. 

Rule Adjustments:

To ensure the smooth operation of the tournament, the tab room reserves the right to adjust pairings, rankings, judging assignments, or other tournament procedures as necessary. Any changes will be communicated promptly to affected teams. 

Human Error:

While every effort will be made to ensure accuracy in pairings, rankings, and judging, the tournament recognizes that human error may occur. In the event of a mistake, the tab room will strive to resolve the issue as fairly and transparently as possible. 


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